Too many sellers find themselves in a situation where they are paying thousands of dollars upfront for marketing. In today’s real estate world, there is simply no need. Sellers are often expected to pay all marketing costs before sale, with no guarantee of success.
The seller forks out cash for both necessary and unnecessary marketing. If the property fails to sell, the only loser is the seller. Never the agent. Of course, the agents get considerable benefits when an owner pays upfront. It increases the seller’s commitment to the success of the sale. The more money paid, the greater the commitment. Often referred to as ‘pain money’, it increases the sellers’ motivation for sale through fear of loss. Agents rely on this fear of loss.
Motivated sellers are easier for agents to educate on market price. Many agents will intentionally inflate sellers’ sale price expectations to win their business, only to then educate them down in price during the campaign. Once they’ve accepted the reality of the market price, the property will sell. By charging advertising costs up front, agents achieve the ultimate trifecta: they minimise exposure to financial loss, gain a more motivated seller, and promote themselves in a crowded marketplace. All of this for free! (Well, free for the agent). If an agent suggests an advertising campaign with upfront marketing costs, ask them to pay for it.
If the agent is so confident their marketing plan will work, they should be happy to front up the costs. Clark Real Estate is able to provide our sellers with options to suit whether the seller wants to pay upfront for marketing or to take our risk free option. Selling a property is stressful enough for the owner without adding unnecessary financial risk. We have smart, effective marketing strategies. We happily back our services and skills to offer a sale with no upfront charges. Paying prior to sale is simply not necessary.
Remember the golden role of selling: pay no money until your property is sold and you are happy with the outcome.