We all know that to increase your chance to sell, there should be some form of advertising. But with this there is a lot of questions you should be asking regarding the type of marketing you pay for. Here are some examples of some questions that you should ask and the answers that you should be hearing from your agent:
1. Am I as a vendor looking for quality of advertising or quantity?
If your agent hears this question and preaches for quantity, they are stupid. When you advertise you don’t want to waste your money sending the advertisements out to thousands of people who aren’t looking for a property like yours. You should be looking for directed and segmented marketing that sends the listing to people who are looking for what you have to offer.
2. Will you abuse the marketing money, or will you use it wisely?
The biggest way that an agent can abuse the money that you pay them for marketing is by using the funds to advertise themselves rather than the property your selling. You wouldn’t want to be taken advantage of, right? Well luckily, it’s not as bad as it used to be, but it can still happen.
3. Why should I pay for my marketing upfront?
This concept is basically a norm with real estate marketing, though many agencies like Clark Real Estate, are now offering ‘Risk Free’ options to sellers where no marketing fees are paid to the seller until the property sells (and if it sells). Look for these types of advantages, these are the agencies looking out for you and not for themselves.
4. What can you do to improve the quality of my advertising?
a. Making sure that you are advertising at the correct price is essential. If your property is overpriced, no-one will blink an eye at it but if you go under-priced, you are missing out on a lot.
b. Good quality, professional photos can be an essential asset with your advertising campaign. Even if a property is well illuminated in real life, taking an amateur photograph for it may result in it looking dim and less inviting.
c. A good script on the advert will help buyers understand all the benefits of the property without giving away the seller’s motive to sell.
If you are interested to find out more about smart marketing and how your agent could be helping you achieve the best results, call us on 3256 1600 or email reception@clarkrealty.com.au. The first 5 people to contact us regarding this blog will receive a copy of Peter O’Malleys book ‘Inside Real Estate’.