
Considering Catchments

Considering Catchments

January 21st, 2020 / Ebonee Kotsaris

Fortitude Valley High School is the first new Brisbane inner city high school to be built in over 50 years and it opens to students this month! Children commencing grade 7 this year and who live within the local catchment areas, eagerly await the start of their first term… or perhaps it just their parents

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2020 and Brisbane is set to give plenty!

2020 and Brisbane is set to give plenty!

January 14th, 2020 / Ebonee Kotsaris

Plenty of growth that is! There are a few reasons why Brisbane’s property market is forecast to flourish this year, one being our above average population growth. Did you know that roughly 23,000 people migrate to Brisbane each year! According to CoreLogic experts, the Brisbane market has been slowly but consistently rising too, averaging about

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VPA… Go away!

VPA… Go away!

January 7th, 2020 / Ebonee Kotsaris

The more exposure a property gets the better right? Well not entirely… Although the real estate industry would have you believe this is true, expensive advertising campaigns can lead to two big dangers: the possibility of a far lower selling price and the loss of any upfront money paid by the vendor. The Queensland Real

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Managing Rental Vacancy over the Holiday Season

Managing Rental Vacancy over the Holiday Season

January 3rd, 2020 / Leasing Manager

The pre and post summer holiday period can be a time of high turnover for tenants. People are on the move with new year jobs secured and student placements being finalised. Your Clark Real Estate Property Management team already know who is staying on and who is on the move in January and February and are busy

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And Just like that, Christmas is here!

And Just like that, Christmas is here!

December 23rd, 2019 / Ebonee Kotsaris

The year of 2019 has been an impressive one for Clark Real Estate and as such we’re going to be taking a small but well-deserved break over the Christmas Holidays so that we can all check out the amazing light displays that the northern suburbs have put on, Yay!   If you’re new to the area

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Pricing your home? How to accurately find the value of your property

Pricing your home? How to accurately find the value of your property

December 17th, 2019 / Ebonee Kotsaris

Introduction As a homeowner, one of the most challenging tasks you may face is determining the right price for your property. Whether you are planning to sell your home or just curious about its value, accurately pricing your property is crucial to ensure a successful transaction. With multiple options available, it can be overwhelming to

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Tips for Summer Storms and Blazing Bushfires

Tips for Summer Storms and Blazing Bushfires

December 10th, 2019 / Ebonee Kotsaris

For property owners who enjoy the ambiance of the leafy suburbs you should be mindful of the summer storms and bushfires that can wreak havoc. Some simple preplanning and good organisation can keep your home safe during unexpected weather. While our beautiful trees provide shade and give character to our streets and backyards, they can

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Tips for first home buyers and those of us who’ve been around the block!

Tips for first home buyers and those of us who’ve been around the block!

December 3rd, 2019 / Ebonee Kotsaris

No matter who you are, a well-seasoned real estate tycoon or a first home buyer; some purchasing dangers will apply across the board.   There are even state to state variations to be aware in regards to how the purchasing process works, which could catch an interstate purchaser off guard. Take for example New South Wales, who

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Rental Reforms Qld One Step Closer – Now is the Time to Have Your Say

Rental Reforms Qld One Step Closer – Now is the Time to Have Your Say

November 26th, 2019 / Annette Lattanzi

Just over two years ago we drew your attention to the beginnings of the rentals reform process in Queensland. After wide consultation, the next stage of that process is ready with the reforms set to be introduced to parliament. Just a note on that consultation process. The “Open Doors to Renting Reform” consultation saw 130,000

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If buying a house seems like to much work for you, a buyer’s agent could be the answer!

If buying a house seems like to much work for you, a buyer’s agent could be the answer!

November 19th, 2019 / Ebonee Kotsaris

If you’ve started the time-consuming process of searching for the right property to purchase but are finding that you just don’t have the time or maybe the knack, employing a buyer’s agent might be right for you.  They will usually promise to save you time and or money and if you find a good buyer’s agent the experience of

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