Debt-to-Equity Awareness
The first thing to research when you’re looking to buy an investment property is how you’re going to finance your investment. It can be tempting to just leave all the decisions to the “investment experts” and buyers tend to do this by signing up for a property investors’ course where you’re sure to be told…

Setting the Market Aside
Deciding on the right time to sell any property is a tough job! And, understanding the property market is an even tougher one! Worrying about the market can be dangerous. To start with, home owners can run into all kinds of problems when relying entirely on market conditions to determine when to sell. Often their…

Homes have Good Feelings
Buying a home isn’t only about dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s and sometimes it’s nice to just be able to dwell on the feel good reasons of buying a home. So let’s take a break and forget about the do’s and don’ts of real estate! Let’s take a moment to reflect on why…

Finding a Good Real Estate Lawyer
While people will thoroughly vet a real estate agency before committing, the same can’t be said when choosing lawyer. Often opting for the cheapest legal advice available will wreak havoc during the conveyancing process and, which is usually also the most critical part of the transaction. Like anything in life you get what you pay…

The stories contained in the above article are enough to send shivers through your spine. Being sued for ignoring maintenance requests that lead to an injury to your tenant, or worse, finding yourself uninsured as well, is certainly not something you want to encounter with your managed investment. That is why we recommend the following:…

You must prepare for the rough to enjoy the diamond that is India
One of our staff was lucky enough to travel abroad to India recently. Read all about their trip below Ancient forts, religious ceremonies, lost caves, towering mountains, lush untamed rainforests. Everyone can find something to love about India! India has the ability to excite, inspire and leave you breathless. It also has…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Staging
To stage or not to stage, that is a commonly asked question for those selling their home. There is a lot to consider when selling your home, and staging is a frequent debate between homeowners and agents alike. Staging is hiring furniture and the services of a stylist to arrange the furniture. This can…

Riverfire Fireworks Celebrations – Best vantage points
Riverfire is on Saturday, 28th September this year and is always a much-loved community event which has been safely taking place across Brisbane’s skies for 21 years. The major fireworks display marks the end of the Brisbane festival each year and attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators from all over South-East Queensland. With months of…

This month marks our 2nd Anniversary at our new Clark Real Estate Lutwyche office. Back in September 2017, we waved goodbye to our Clayfield home of 23 years, hired a truck for a day and our wonderful staff worked hard all weekend to help unpack. We haven’t looked back since! The new premises allows us…