Anzac Day
Every year on April 25th Australians across the globe come together to honour the Anzac legend and celebrate the Anzac ideals of courage, endurance and mateship. As Australians, this is a tradition we have grown up with, however while many are familiar with the day, most people are not aware of its origins. On the…

Flip the Focus, Flip Flip the Focus!
What is the secret to getting the highest price for your property and not just a high price? Well, you have to flip your focus to the fourth price! At this point you might be wondering what we’re even talking about and that’s because most sales agents focus on three prices. They start with…

Sunk Cost Syndrome
From old school newspapers to the internet, not much has changed in the way some sales agents coerce the unsuspecting vendor into becoming financially invested by promoting big budget advertising. Negotiators call this, the Sunk Cost Syndrome! – being able to unwittingly increase a vendors motivation to sell. Let’s be honest, bigger photos doesn’t mean…

What is an Emergency Maintenance and What is a Landlord’s Obligation?
Have you ever been called by your property manager with the news that there’s been an emergency maintenance event at your investment property? We know it can be a stressful time both in terms of ensuring your property and tenant is protected and the cost it may involve. Understanding exactly what constitutes an Emergency Maintenance item, to…

The following three statements that should raise red flags to a seller: ‘If we run the right advertising campaign we could get…’ ‘We could sell this in two weeks’ ‘You’d be crazy not to auction this home!’ Heard any of these before? When searching for an agent, many homeowners experience a large gap between what’s…

6 most expensive buys in Grange!
From its’ convenient proximity to the city to its’ timeless aesthetic, Grange has something to suit everybody! But it’s not just hailed for its beautiful streets and great mix of trendy and traditional homes; this quiet leafy suburb is also one of the safest neighborhoods in Brisbane. 26 Newton Street, Grange – $1,610,000…

4 Smart Marketing Questions
We all know that to increase your chance to sell, there should be some form of advertising. But with this there is a lot of questions you should be asking regarding the type of marketing you pay for. Here are some examples of some questions that you should ask and the answers that you should be…