Introducing Melinda Nizeti
Welcome to Clark Real Estate Melinda. We are so excited to have you on board as Operations Manager in our Property Management Department. Can you describe your role with us? I have been appointed as the Operations Manager, responsible for the Property Management department, ensuring that all procedures are followed, providing the staff with leadership…
Have a Meaningful Year
Happy New Year! What a wonderful feeling it is to have that “blank slate” approach to life. So many good intentions. So much to achieve. So much to hope for. However…… let’s be realistic. Not to bring the mood down or anything, but how many of your January goals did you achieve last year? Or…
Our Christmas Wrap
Wow! Seriously. 2017 What a year! 2017 at Clark Real Estate will certainly never be forgotten. Let’s take a look back on the year that was and what we achieved…. and survived 🙂 The Rebranding Project was massive. Huge. Many minds, many meetings, many emails and lots of high fives later, we arrived at an…
Brisbane, Here is Your Property Report Card!
It’s that time of year. Report cards are due and we are thinking about goals for next year. In order to do that it’s essential to look at the year that was and make astute plans based on data. Our friends at Herron Todd White are masters at prediction and excellent in data analysis. Here…
A Day in the Life of Jack Sifonios
What is your role with Clark Real Estate? Was this always your position? I am currently taking on the role of Property Manager. I started off with just routine inspections and then went on to the Leasing role. I have been with Clark for almost 2 years now. What is your favourite part of what…
Simple & Inexpensive Tips For Presenting Your House For Sale
Getting your house ready for sale doesn’t have to be the most expensive exercise of your life. But it will require a lot of hard work. Like, getting dirty, tired and grumpy kind of hard work. But it’s worth it. And very effective. Here are FIVE inexpensive but fairly labour intensive tips that will make…
An Open Letter to the Class of 2017
As I write this blog, thousands of school leavers in Queensland have descended on various tourist destinations in Australia and overseas. Next week, other States in Australia will join you in what has become known and accepted as the longest party in history, “Schoolies”. Twelve or thirteen years of schooling culminates in relief, exhaustion and…
Given interest rates are low and employment is high, buyers are facing far better buying conditions now than at the height of the boom. In the stock market – when prices recede and the case for buying improves, buyers rush in. Not so with property though. Generally speaking, buyers seem to feel more confident about…
Betting On The House
It’s Melbourne Cup. The day that “stops a nation” because of a horse race. The day that turns us all into experts (whether it be on fashion or fillies) and, well let’s face it, most of us losers. I was born in the 1970’s. I was told not to waste my money, to put it…
Partners in Time. A Family That Has Your Back.
So another Season of The Block has ended. Thank God, say a lot of you. But probably no one louder than the couples who have been the victims (sorry contestants) this year. Okay, it’s hard to call some of them victims. Pocketing $547,000 tax free moolah for twelve weeks work is pretty darn good. Not…