It’s true. First impressions count in a major way. Especially, apparently in Queensland…
Bessie Hassan, Money Expert at finder.com.au, says the figures show a property’s street appeal should never be underestimated.
“The survey findings clearly show that first impressions count.
Sellers could be left bitterly disappointed with offers if the street appeal of a listed property does not meet expectations.
That’s money down the drain because of a bad first impression.
And it seems Queenslanders are the fussiest when it comes to first impressions with Queensland residents the most likely to get deterred by untidy property exteriors.
Queenslanders would discount their offers the most – 15% on average,” Ms Hassan says.
Follow these simple rules of First Impressions and you will achieve positive feedback and, most importantly, a great price for your property.
Front Entry
Gates and front verandah’s are so important! If the first thing a buyer notices when he or she walks in is that the gate is falling apart their immediate thought is how much it will cost to fix it, and if they can be bothered. Fix all those things you think are minor as, collectively the become major and will have an adverse affect on the sale price, as well as days on market.
Driveway and Garage/Carport
You would be amazed how many houses are not bought because of the carport or garage. Fix paving and don’t forget to tidy inside the garage as well. Buyers want to see how much space they have to put their own possessions in. Crowding it with your own doesn’t allow for this. Have a garage sale or time your sale near after the hard rubbish collection in your suburb.
Weeds, over grown lawns and dead or dying plants are a major turn off. Invest your own time in the garden or pay for someone else to do it. It’s amazing how much more of a positive reaction vendors achieve when the garden is neat, tidy and lush! It doesn’t have to be an award winning landscape design. Simplicity can be key.
This is so often overlooked. Just fix it. Or replace it. It’s important. Broken or tired old letterboxes are depressing.
Play to your property’s strengths
Don’t be afraid to highlight the unique character or features of your home. A lot of buyers are really turned off by bland staging that looks the same as ten previous homes. Remember what it was that attracted you to your home in the first instance or work on the areas of the home you love to spend time in.