Real Estate is a fiercely competitive industry. There are many facets to what makes up a successful agency and much of what people see on a more superficial level, like beautiful marketing and property styling works, up to a point. But the fundamental, single most important ingredient to a successful agency is the recruitment of good people.
Today we will focus on Sales and what makes a truly successful Real Estate Agent
I asked our Principal, Mario Lattanzi, what qualities he looks for when hiring for Sales positions and his answer was interesting and not typical. Mario truly believes that “the most important quality is a desire to help people”.
Real Estate Agents often get criticised for the high commissions paid to them, but Mario qualifies this by advocating that if Sales Agents are going above and beyond their call of duty and think beyond themselves and their own pay packet, the rewards are there legitimately.
But not all rewards are financial.
The feeling of being able to change someone’s life for the better and offer solutions to lifestyle issues is priceless.
So are sales people born or bred?
Mario suggests “You can teach people the skills required to be a good salesperson, however the two things you can’t teach are resilience and desire. These are inner learned traits that form who you are.”
This theory is explored in the best selling book by Mandy Johnson “Family Village Tribe: The Story of Flight Centre Limited” which uses Stone Age strategies to achieve outstanding, knock-them-out-of-the-park success. The updated version of this book with a Forward by Graham “Skroo” Turner explores the notion that we are all “hard-wired” one way or the other and that these traits are ineradicable.
‘Family Village Tribe’Link
Mario admits that some get it wrong in the hiring process and that it’s not necessarily the best talker who is the best salesperson and that the “gift of the gab” is an outdated predictor when it comes to hiring. Mario says; “In fact some of the best salespeople are better listeners than they are talkers. A great salesperson asks great questions to understand what is best for the client. Only then will they recommend actions that are consistent with client’s needs”
Going back to the theory behind Mandy Johnson’s enlightening book, Mario is adamant that the biggest ingredient for making a successful career in sales is an inherent trait that can be built on, but must exist. Desire. “Desire will drive your winning habits, such as essential habits like study and the tenacity to do so. If you have the desire to be the best agent, it will drive your relentless improvement to be the best for both your benefit and the benefit of your clients.”
If you would like to talk to Mario about this blog or you know anyone who would make a great salesperson please contact us. There is a $1000 reward for just providing a name and contact details of a successful applicant. * Conditions apply. Get in touch with Clark Real Estate today!