Moving is horrible any time of year. But this time of year in Brisbane, it’s particularly awful. Soaring temperatures one day and flooding rains the next. That was indeed, the weekend just past, when an extraordinary number of people were apparently moving according to removalist companies.
Leaving out the weather (which we obviously can’t control but can choose what time of year to move in to some degree) the emotional tax on us during a move is even higher than an opposition’s claim of tax hikes.
Whether you move twice a year or twice a decade it’s always is an intense and emotional process. According to an article in The New York Times, “the underlying psychological issues involved in real estate decisions are of great interest to therapists and psychologists, because housing and moving are filled with symbolism, the hope for new beginnings, crushing disappointments, loss, anxiety and fear.”
An US psychoanalyst, Ronnie Greenberg, explains that a lot of people are underprepared for the emotion they experience “It’s a matrix of safety, so moving is incredibly stressful and people don’t realise it — they mainly talk about the packing and the external part of moving”
We all know the Big Two – time and money. Time and money go hand in hand in the stress equation. Basically, there is just not enough of either. But it’s also the anxiety around the unknown and a profound sense of loneliness that get to us.
Here are some tips that may help:
Plan well ahead:
Once you know you are going to move, start planning then. Put money away for moving and cleaning costs. It is always more expensive than you think it will be to move and that’s where the majority of the stress comes from. Don’t leave anything to the last minute. Good removalists are booked well into the calendar year so don’t get stuck. Put a daily chart on the wall and tick off items as you go. Organisation is key to keeping stress levels at bay.
Let family and friends help:
If friends or family offer to help, let them. Do not think you can do it all alone. No one can. It’s impossible. If they offer to help, they really want to (or perhaps want you to help in return) . Whatever their motivation, it is essential to your wellbeing. So smile graciously and say “yes thank you!”. Try to get a lot of the smaller items packed and moved the day before the removalists arrive. That way you save money and stress.
Hire professional movers:
Some jobs just need professionals. This is one of them. Look online for reviews or ask around as to who has had a good experience with a removalist company. It’s vital. Especially for the heavy and large furniture that may be tricky or even dangerous to try to get in and out yourself. Good removalists will always go one step beyond and help you with solutions. Just be mindful of the time as most charge by the hour and it’s not cheap.
Change your mindset:
Yes it’s a cliche but it really does help to be positive. It’s amazing how much more energy you have when you feel focused and excited. Once all the boxes have been delivered and you just can’t face the mammoth task of unpacking them, go for a walk in your new neighbourhood. Find a great new cafe for breakfast. Say hello to a neighbour. Put on some music. Give yourself time. If you are moving on the weekend, perhaps try to take some time off work on the Friday and the Monday. That way, you can arrive back at work semi organised and not a nutcase. You may have even been able to find the iron!
Clean everything:
Moving is dirty and dusty. Don’t bring the old into the new. Take some time to clean everything you are putting in the new abode. The difference to your feeling of calm will surprise you.
Take care of your physical and emotional needs:
There is so much to do you will feel overwhelmed and exhausted. But following all the above tips will help you with your stress. But take care of yourself. Eat and drink well. Get the right amount of sleep. Take some time out of your day to just sit and be still. Moving sucks but it doesn’t have to be all bad.