Clark Real Estate is currently ranked in 1st of 53 agencies in Lutwyche for the period of September 2021 – March 2022 according to RealEstate.com Ignite
- 16 sold listings compared to the market average of 5.
- 4,847 enquiries on our listed properties, where the market average is 519 enquires
How can this be.
- A team selling approach is one the key reasons behind these results
- When you sell with Clark Real Estate you have more than one salesperson working for you. A team approach to selling means a team approach to managing buyer enquiry.
- An ‘open database’ – of all buyers, which means the widest buyer net of potential prospects as more than one agent is working to get the property sold.
- Clark Real Estate agents are all trained negotiators. This can be demonstrated by a median sold price being at $1,125,000 which is 5.8% above the market average. The agent you appoint should be skilled and trained in negotiation. If they are not, then you risk losing thousands of dollars!
- We invest in training to ensure you have the best chance in getting the best result.
Discover the difference with the number 1 ranked Real Estate Agency
- Marketing without the waste. Clark Real Estate will guide you to how to market your property effectively and efficiently.
- Private Auction = The Highest Price. Unlike Public Auction, Private Auction is the only method of sale which generates a competitive buyer situation AND gets the highest price!
- Pay us what you think we are worth! The Clark Real Estate team are so confident in our negotiation ability that we offer sellers an outcomes-based fee structure. We call this the “Fair Go Fee”. A representative can further explain to you how this works.
Contact Clark Real Estate now for an obligation free chat and find out how our approach can help you sell your home better!