Queensland Premier and Minister for Trade, The Honourable Anastasia Palaszczuk, recently announced a major easing of restrictions in Queensland for Queenslanders, where we are able to undertake unrestricted travel including overnight stays throughout the entire state as of 1st June 2020. A result of the job well done by Queenslander’s in adhering to the COVID-19 boundaries implemented to stop the spread of the virus. These plans to implement, are part of Stage 2 roadmap that come ahead of the plan originally forecasted for June 12.
Under this plan there was a further easing of restrictions at pubs, cafes and restaurants. Read on here: https://bit.ly/303DOfd
We know times have been tough and, in some cases, holidays have been postponed or even cancelled. If you are thinking about a mini stay-cation here in QLD, have a look at these links for the best camping spots in QLD; https://bit.ly/30ahSie https://bit.ly/3eJ4QMJ https://bit.ly/3duGpCz
Additionally, as of June 1 open houses and auctions can be conducted with up to 20 people (plus 3 agency staff). This is great news for home sellers and buyers alike, meaning there is more flexibility in the strategies that sales agents use to market and sell properties.
At Clark Real Estate, we have seen a noticeable increase in seller and buyer confidence resulting in a phenomenal increase of property sales, with most sales going under contract in a multiple offer situation.
A multiple offer occurs when more than one prospective buyer makes an offer on a property by submitting a Contract of Sale. This tends to occur in when competition for a property is greatest and there are more buyers than there are properties for sale. This can happen in any type of market (buyers, sellers, flat) especially when a property is listed at an affordable price range for that type of property.
When this occurs, we are able to ensure that the absolute highest price is gained for the seller. This is when we enter a “silent auction” strategy. A silent auction is where there is confidential bidding (under legislation the agent must disclaim all offers submitted, unless directed by the seller not to show them anything under a certain number). The prospective buyers are advised that they must submit their best offer (the maximum that they will pay for this property). This is also where the buyer (and the seller) can add in any special conditions or “deal sweeteners” to make the offer more attractive. Read more about our tips for deal sweeteners here; https://clarkre.wbclients.com/uncategorized/what-steps-can-be-taken-when-selling-a-house-in-a-buyers-market/
In a multiple offer situation or silent auction, you always want the maximum number of bidders bidding on your property. To do this at a silent auction you need to provide easy access to the relevant information. This means having pre-prepared all your strata and building reports and a straightforward contract on hand. This will ensure that the buyers can draw on communal due diligence reports at a lower cost.
Read more on silent auctions here: https://clarkre.wbclients.com/silent-auction/
Clark Real Estate has conducted many Silent Auction campaigns with outstanding results. If you are wanting to know more about silent auctions or find out how we can help you sell your property, call us on 07 3256 1600 for a confidential discussion.