Spring is generally the most popular time of year to sell a house, it is warmer, the gardens are in full bloom, more sunny days lead to opportune photos and of course that’s when everyone else does it, right?
Taking advantage of winter selling lead to you reaping the rewards. Typically, there is lower inventory, which means you have less competition and more of the upper hand in negotiations. Also, you get to show your home’s winter-readiness. All too often this gets overlooked especially here in the sunny state, we are so concerned about keeping cool that forget that it actually does get cool! Plus, during winter months, homes with features like fireplaces and hot tubs are certainly more appealing. We find that winter also brings out the serious buyers. Believe it or not, not everyone who looks at a house is actually serious about buying. During spring when there are more properties listed, we find there is a higher concentration of “window shoppers”. However, in winter they tend to be scarcer meaning better quality inspections leading to genuine offers. Not to mention winter brings with it end of financial year, where people start to seriously look at their property goals as well as EOFY financial bonuses and payouts meaning that more people may have money to spend on a home.
So, with August around the corner, if you are considering listing whilst its cool 😊 be sure to check out these top tips;
Street appeal – there are hundreds of great (and simple) ideas for creating an appealing outlook on your house that gives potential buyers a positive first impression. Improvements such as painting the front door, installing a planter box, replacing the entrance lights or installing a new mailbox can all help give your house a finished look and feel.
Natural light – run your open house / inspections at times when the natural light is at its’ brightest and best. Winter days are shorter and the sun is lower and sits to the North which provides a great opportunity to highlight any north facing areas.
Artificial light – in addition to taking advantage of any natural light, use lighting throughout the house to your advantage. Turn on your lamps and lighting fixtures to give your home a sophisticated and relaxed glow. Utilise mirrors which have the added effect of making rooms seem larger.
Outdoor spaces – if you have outdoor spaces that can be utilised for entertaining throughout the year, highlight how things like gas heaters, drop down cafe blinds or chimineas will help create a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Clean windows – clean windows ensure that any sunlight that appears is able to stream freely into the home.
Warmth – always make sure that you make your home as warm and welcoming as possible. Utilise whatever assets you have, be it a log fire or central heating, to create a snug feel. Throw thick blankets on couches in communal living spaces and bedrooms and if you have exposed floorboards, use rugs to soften the feel of rooms.
As rugged-up buyers walk through cold winds or rain from one private inspection to the next, they’re looking forward to stepping into a warm, welcoming environment – so getting the temperature right is absolutely crucial.
Having your heating right is an essential strategy. Whether it’s central heating or a fireplace. Getting that right creates a homely aesthetic.
Check out our previous blog for heating strategies during winter:
As experts in connecting people with lifestyle solutions, a Clark representative can help you navigate real estate obstacles to ensure you achieve your property goals. If you would like to discuss your property plan or obtain a current market valuation of your property please don’t hesitate to contact us on 07 3256 1600.